Everyone's Private Specialist

Faster relief. Spend less money. Board-certified orthopedic surgeons available 19X faster.

Who’s tired of high costs

Patients can waste up to 6 weeks without a diagnosis

Faster relief. Spend less money. Board-certified orthopedic surgeons available 19X faster.

Costs are out of control

Employees number one frustration with their benefit plan is cost.

Musculoskeletal costs are #1 for employers

It is the largest diagnosis group for employer aged patients.

Personalized care

Therapy is not the answer for every MSK issue. Get a treatment plan focusing on what works. Not what pays.

Why Now?

Orthopedics (or musculoskeletal) is 5% of our national GDP.
Employer spend the most on MSK diagnosis.  For Americans under 65 it is the largest healthcare condition.
It is also the number 1 profit driver for health systems.
Employers want to spend less and health systems want to increase revenue.
Something has got to give.

Why Us?

We are the white hats of healthcare. We are physicians, nurses and healthcare consultants who have been in the healthcare system for over 100 years.

We know how the system works.

We’ve designed physician compensation, helped health systems get paid more by insurance companies, been on the “value based healthcare” committee, designed “innovative” care models, scaled physician groups to millions in revenue, implemented bundled payment programs, and we want to change it.